Shell Scripts - Append a filename with date and time.... | Unix ... Hello, I need to create a shell script that appends a filename to create a name with the date and time appended that is guaranteed to not exist.
Adding date and time to file name | Unix Linux Forums | Shell ... Hi All, i wanted to add date and time to the file names in the same directory so ... then after running the shell script it should be test-15-11-2010.txt.
Renaming files to have date/time in filename | Unix Linux Forums ... How do I rename a file so that the filename contains the system date and time. I want to run this in a script and then get crontab to execute the ...
Appending current date to filename - Unix & Linux - Stack Exchange 4 Dec 2012 ... I'm trying to append the current date to the end of a file name like this: ... of your statements; which causes the shell to not wait for the command to finish. ... to move files based on their modification time, and not -atime , whic
How to append current date and timestamp to filename in shell script ... 9 Feb 2013 ... Here is how you can format current date and time, and append formatted string to a file name, in a shell script. A linux command line tool called ...
Shell Scripting: Creating report/log file names with date in filename 5 Feb 2006 ... Explains how to append or add system date and time to a file name under Linux / UNIX / Apple OS X / BSD shell scripting.
Append Current Date To Filename in Bash Shell - nixCraft 26 Apr 2011 ... Explains how to append current date or time to a filename under UNIX / Linux shell scripting.
Shell Script: Append TimeStamp to file name • Crunchify 26 Sep 2012 ... Shell Script: Append TimeStamp to file name. September 26 ... Here are some basics on date command. ... date -- display or set date and time.
How to append current date and timestamp to filename in shell script 28 Jun 2013 ... Here is how you can format current date and time, and append formatted string to a file name, in a shell script. A linux command line tool called ...
Create filename with date and time - dBforums How can I create a file in unix (csh) with date and time ? ... In AIX you can use some modifiers with date command in order to format the date ...